History of First Helensburgh Scouts
Over one hundred years ago a Mr Lyle got together a patrol of local Helensburgh lads and formed the 1st Craigendoran Scouts. It appears that this was quickly followed by groups from the middle of town and Larchfield School and by the end of the First World War Helensburgh had a thriving Scout movement with both Scouts (11-18) and the new Wolf Cubs (8-11) and in Helensburgh two strong Rover Groups (18-25)
How different is Scouting today? In appearance the change has been substantial with only the “scout scarf” still retaining its place, and girls now forming a significant element in most Groups. Outward manifestations like Church Parades and Scout Bands are now rare but, in essence, the core of Scouting remains the same. The central vision of the founder was that young people love adventure and challenge and, with guidance, will learn through it to become better, more fulfilled individuals and citizens. The most popular activity, camping, for example both provides adventure and develops abilities to plan menus, buy food, work with contemporaries and survive discomfort.
In the period between the wars the most significant event was the opening in 1927 of the Scout HQ in John St by Lady Olive Baden Powell. For a time all Groups met at the HQ but around 1950 the Craigendoran Group moved to their own hall in Maitland St. Restructuring of the movement in 1964 replaced Rover Scouts (18-25) and Senior Scouts (15-18) with Venture Scouts (15-20) and updated the uniform, losing both the famous cub cap and the wide brimmed hat. By 1978 Craigendoran had shrunk to a cub pack, whilst the remaining group in John St , the 3rd Helensburgh, was thriving with 3 packs and a large troop plus Ventures. The eighties saw a strong revival with a a Scout Troop established at Craigendoran followed by a move to West Clyde St and the start of a strong mixed gender Venture Unit. Craigendoran led the way in forming a Beaver Colony in 1980, two years before it became official and immediately going mixed in the Scout Troop when allowed in 1991. The Troop had successfully run mixed patrols at the Danish Jamboree the previous summer. In 1995 following yet another restructuring a District Explorer Unit (14.5-18) was created largely from Craigendoran Ventures but with some members from other Groups (notably Rhu)
In 2001 the West Clyde St Hall was under threat as the land was wanted back by the Council and there were serious problems with electrical safety. Meanwhile numbers at the 3rd had dropped significantly and a merger between Craigendoran and the 3rd was proposed with an HQ at John St. The outcome was the 1st Helensburgh which has grown strongly so that it now supports 2 Beaver Colonies, 2 Cub Packs and a large (40 strong) Scout Troop. Meanwhile the Explorers have become very close to the Group that it can be best seen as a section of the Group.