Arden Booking Form
Name of Adult Responsible……………………………………
Email………………………….. Mobile……………………..
Name of Group……………………………………………………………
Dates Required: From ……………. To …………….
Expected numbers : Young People…………….. Leaders…………Total……..
Expected Contribution (Total*Nights*£3)………….
Deposit (20% of Expected Contribution) ………….
The balance should be paid two weeks before the start of camp by cheque or, preferably, by electronic transfer to SC: 80-08-31 AC: 00598044
1. The site must be kept clean at all times. All rubbish must be removed from the site.
2. The toilets must be kept clean. Contact the manager if cleaning material or paper is required
3. Fires on the site should be limited to the existing fire pit, the camp fire circle, the backwoods area or the barbeques. The beach provides safe areas to experiment with fire lighting but please clean up afterwards.
4. No green timber should be cut without explicit permission.
5. The beach is safe but Scout Group Leaders will require appropriate water management certification or permit. The jetty can be used if there is no wedding taking place on the adjacent property.
6. The public is not allowed on the site but occasionally appear. Please ensure that they use the alternative woodland path.
7. The A82 gate must be locked if the site is unoccupied at any time.