Do's and Don'ts
Arden is a beautiful, minimum facility green field site with a single water tap and a pair of composting toilets made available by Arden Estates. Please ensure that it is left as it was found, clean and green. This note is intended to answer all your questions.
Note that groups and individuals using the site have complete responsibility for all risks.
DO: Take time to walk around the site and carry out your own risk assessment
Entry and Vehicles
The campsite can be accessed by vehicles off the main A82 via ornate wrought iron gates and a narrow track. A further track leads over the rise via the Scout Gate to the camping area
DO: Limit access through the main gate to leaders and delivery of heavy equipment. The track is narrow without passing places and gets grid locked. Getting back or across the A82 can be horrendous.
The alternative for campers and visitors is by foot from Arden roundabout. There is a public car park just by the roundabout. Then walk along the by road past cottages towards Arden House. Just before you reach the house there is a green area and a narrow path on the right (past a log) that continues to the site. The walk is about 500m.
DO NOT: Drive along the road from the roundabout and park by Arden House
Please keep the camping area clear of vehicles. There is hardstanding which should take 5 cars if parked neatly.
DO: Use the parking area
DO NOT: Park on the site
If nobody is on the site
DO: Lock the main gates
Occasionally people will start to walk across the site, although they have no right to do so and despite the signs asking them to go around
DO: Ask them politely to use the woodland path
Water and Toilets
The water may be turned off at the stopcock. This can be found under a yellow plastic lid on the road side of the fence by the cattle trough close to the track junction.
DO: Turn water off when you leave, if you turned it on
The toilets are accessed over the bridge. After unlocking
DO: Please secure the door open.
The toilets work by separating fluids and solids and covering the solids with a composting agent (sawdust).
DO: Explain to campers how to use the toilets and why it is essential that nothing else, including water, is deposited in them.
DO: Emphasise they can only be used in the seated position and that users should sit well back.
DO: Suggest to male campers that it is both more hygienic and beneficial if urine is distributed over a wide area off site
DO: Ensure that the toilet “bowl” is kept clean and clear of sawdust. Cleaning materials are kept in the cupboard which is kept locked for safety reasons
Hand cleaning gel is provided along with a limited supply of water for cleaning bowls.
DO NOT: Wash bodies and clean dishes in the toilets. The soakaway cannot cope with a lot of water
DO: Use Water Sparingly.
Wood and Fires
Pallet wood is normally available and there is a lot of fallen/cut timber (including logs) lying around at the edge of the site.
DO: Use the main fire pit and the barbeque barrels for wood fires. If you have a lot of patrols cooking on wood we suggest they are kept together close to the tree
DO NOT: Cut live timber.
DO NOT: Cut turfs and lay fires on the ground
DO: Keep camping area clear of twigs and small branches dropped when collecting timber
DO: Ask us about use of the new barbeques and tools and the pizza ovens
Do: Use only charcoal with the new equipment
Activities and Beach
There are a number of pioneering poles and ropes around the site, some of which are in use (Gate and Bridge) and some of which can be utilised.
DO: Use the equipment but respect what is there.
There is an area for archery behind the hard-standing.
DO: Ensure you have appropriate permits and operate safely
The Beach is suitable for paddling, swimming and kayaking/canoeing
DO: Ensure you have appropriate permits and operate as per organisation rules. You will need either Water Safety certification or Lifeguard qualifications for swimming.
DO: Ensure that swimmers are not subject to Cold Shock (Loch Lomond can be very cold). We insist they wade in from the edge.
The Cruin restaurant (next door) allows us to use the pontoon for jumping and diving provided it is not required by them for wedding photos etc.
DO: Respect the activity next door by keeping relatively quiet when there is a ceremony on and please vacate the area when they are taking photos.
The track opposite the main gate leads to a superb hill walk to Cardross, Helensburgh and Ben Bouie although there is a short untracked section.
DO: Ask about the route if you are thinking of doing it.
There is no rubbish collection on the site.
DO: Burn as much organic matter as you can
DO: Bag up everything else that is left and TAKE IT AWAY
The minimum charge is £3 ppn (including leaders).
DO: Pay promptly, ideally by Bank Transfer to
1st Helensburgh Scout Group
Sc 80-08-31
Ac 00598044
Could you please identify it as “Arden Camp Site Fees”.
Alternatively a cheque should be made payable to
1st Helensburgh Scout Group