

This site is the public face of the 1st Helensburgh Scout Group in Scotland. By using the menu bar (the three bars at the top left hand corner on a mobile phone) you can obtain  general information on the activities of the 7 Sections of the Group, 1 Squirrel Drey (4-6), 2* Beaver Colonies (6-8.5), 2*Cub Packs ( 8.5-10.5). 1*Scout Troop (10.5-14) and 1*Explorer Unit (14-18). The website also provides  details of the Scout Headquarters and the Arden  Camping Site, and provides access to a short history of the Group, the results for a photo competition in December 2020 and details on how to access an archive of historic photographs.  Finally the website contains information about activities with some Risk Assessments of general interest.

Much needs to be done. Work is required integrating the Cottage into the Main Building and in maintainign and improving the facilites at our wonderful campsite at Arden   

If you are interested in more information on any aspect of the Group, particularly volunteering, please   Contact Us.